My daughter sent me a badge saying “I am stoical” . Every night I write a list and I try to do those tasks written on the paper.

I usually prefer your posts that talk from the heart..rather than the head. This was so honest ,and I find those help me most…plus some of the spiritual ones.

At first I wanted to die and be with my love but now I don’t want to die but I miss him terribly. At first it was different. My sadness was about his suffering. Then as time wore on there was a long silence without him and I began to take in that I had a huge loss to me..and I was sad for me.

I will never be the same,I am changed.

I wait for God to show me what he wants me to do with my life…I am willing

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Stoicism is the last bastion for sole survivors, I think. Could I be wrong? Of course. I’ll check with Chingachcook (sp?), last if the Mohicans. Does stoicism mean being unhappy. Not at all.

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I think of the sad story of Indio Tanaru, the "man of the hole", the last surviving member of an uncontacted Indigenous tribe in Brazil who was observed from afar for years. I can't imagine being the sole representative of an entire culture, nor what must have been going through his head for years as he lived alone and apart.

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