Lovely piece. Carry on meandering, rambling :) You connect the threads eventually.

We cannot cling to the past, but long may the memory bank store remembered fragments of the good times. I must learn to obliterate the not-so-pleasant memories of past hurts, as they do hold me back, and make me a lesser person.

Thank goodness you remembered the cats right at the end. I was beginning to fret.....

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Well done Susan! I quite enjoy following you as you go round and round to get to the point…and there is often something to make me laugh en route. Your play on words usually amuses me but sometimes I groan. Moving forward, treasuring the past , is healthy. I wait to see what God has in store for me. I am fairly ancient ,yes even more ancient than you, but I hope to be of use. Meanwhile I am delighted for you that you have another love in your life.

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